Refunds and Cancellations

What is ViaHero's refund and cancellation policy?
Our Traveler Refund Policy for Custom Travel Planning Service: Satisfaction Guaranteed At any stage of the planning process, even after your guidebook ...
Thu, 2 Jun, 2022 at 12:16 PM
When will I get my refund?
Once a refund request has been processed and confirmed with our support team, our payment processor takes 5-7 business days to credit your account.  Sat...
Fri, 14 Feb, 2020 at 10:48 AM
How do I get a refund?
Satisfaction Guaranteed At any stage of the planning process, even after your guidebook is submitted, you can ask for revisions if you find that the plan d...
Wed, 23 Oct, 2019 at 3:07 PM